Saturday, April 2, 2016

Easter Weekend

So this past weekend was Easter Weekend and it was definitely packed with non stop fun. First, after class last Friday me and Abbey packed everything up and drove down to Sandy where she lives and we spent the night there and went to go and see the new Divergent movie, Allegiant, and wow it was so good. After that we went back to her house and I got to look at all of her cute baby pictures. haha I absolutely love looking at peoples baby pictures!
The next morning we woke up bright and early and we went to a high school track meet because Abbey ran track in high school. It was so weird to be around that many high schooler's at once, it made me feel way old haha but its okay I guess.
After the track meet we met up with Caitie and Ashly and we headed to the Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork and lets just say we hugged lots of random people and got chalk on literally every inch of our bodies. It was SO worth it though and I sure hope that becomes and annual thing after all of our missions are over.
Here are some sweet pictures to show you what a good time we had.
Party in Norman (AKA the best car on the planet)
The Fierce Felicias
The before picture
one more just because
After the festival we all hurried and showered and rushed over to my Grandma Sally's for her annual Easter egg hunt and dinner where we got lots of food that my stomach was not prepared for. Haha college really does shrink your stomach.
It was so fun to have my family meet my roommates. They all probably thought we were crazy sauce but that's okay because we really are.
After dinner me, Ash and Caitie looked at these MASSIVE houses in alpine and then we all decided to just go home and crash. So we legit went to bed at like 9:30 (probably the earliest I've gone to bed since I was in elementary) and it was the best decision I've made.
Sleep deprivation is a real thing guys.
The next day was Easter Sunday and my dad made his world famous French toast. it really is world famous guys. If I could eat it every meal for the rest of my life I probably would! After that we went to my home ward where we got to hear from 2 of my best friends who just got back from their missions! The spirit of missionary work was so strong there and they both did an amazing job!
Caitie, Grandma Sally, Ash and me at church
Ashlyn and I after her homecoming talk
Overall Easter Weekend was one for the books and there is only 4 more weekends until the summer so that's cool and sad at the same time.
Also if you want to hear more about the LDS church click here for a very inspirational video about Easter.
Peace and Blessings
Love, Allie

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