Sunday, April 3, 2016

A tribute to Heritage Tours

This blog post is dedicated to the best 3 weeks of my whole life.
This past summer I had the chance to go on a trip of a lifetime called Heritage Tours. It was mostly a church history trip for the LDS church but we also got to tour all of the cool sights on the East Coast.
I say its the best 3 weeks of my life because I met some of my greatest friends, got to tour America for 3 weeks and gained a stronger testimony of the church.
The trip was all around 7,500 miles on a bus and we traveled through about 18 states.
You are probably thinking that's the craziest thing ever. Like who would want to stay on a bus full of 55 teenagers for 3 weeks straight? well the answer is me. I absolutely LOVE road trips and so this was the perfect road trip for me.
Here are some of the places we visited:
The largest truck stop in the world in Walcott Iowa
They legit had a mall, semi truck, dentist office, hotel and food court in it.
Newel K. Whitney store in Kirtland, Ohio
Niagara Falls, New York
Sacred Grove in Palmyra New York
Boston Massachusetts Temple
Time Square New York
Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania
Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
Museum of Natural History
(Just had to throw that in there because I felt like I was in the Night at the Museum movie)
Washington D.C. Temple
Nauvoo Temple
haha we weren't ready for the picture.
Family Picture in Nauvoo
Kansas City Royals Game
Those are just a few of the places we went on the trip, haha I could go on for days about it because it was just so good. (just ask my roommates, they will say I talk about it at least 10 times a day)
 Although all of the non-church sights were amazing, nothing compared to the spirit I felt while at the sites of the restoration of the church. I got to be where the prophet Joseph Smith was born, raised, tortured, and then eventually killed and being able to learn more about him and feel of the spirit in those places is something I will never forget.
So thank you Heritage Tours for giving me the experience of a lifetime and for making me who I am today.
Love, Allie

I love every one of these humans with all my heart

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